Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Documenter for the City/Regency-to-Province Dialogue

I.                   Background

ICLEI–Local Governments for Sustainability is the world's leading network of over 1,500 cities, towns, and regions committed to building a sustainable future. Yayasan ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability Indonesia, part of ICLEI Southeast Asia Secretariat, will be conducting City/Regency-to-Province Dialogue “Local Government Collaboration for Climate Change” on 14-15 November in Bogor regency. The activity is implemented under the “Accelerating Climate Action through the Promotion of Urban Low Emission Development Strategies” (Urban-LEDS II) project funded by European Commission and co-implemented with UN-HABITAT.

[Call for Proposal] WSS Loan Product Profitability Analysis

Terms of Reference:
WSS Loan Product Profitability Analysis

1)   Purpose: aims to engage a third party consultant to conduct a financial profitability analysis of microfinance partner’s water and sanitation loan products.. The consultant will collect data to understand financial sustainability of WASH product and conduct a set of interviews with senior managers to gather qualitative information on utilization of WaterCredit.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Application for position 'Childsafe Movement Project Officer

Apakah Anda tertarik untuk menjadi bagian dari tim yang dinamis yang bekerja untuk saving lives dan membangun masa depan bagi masyarakat yang terpinggirkan di Jakarta? Apakah Anda memiliki passion dalam isu perlindungan anak dan mengembangkan program perlindungan anak? Jika Anda tertarik, maka bergabunglah dengan kami!

UN Women Humanitarian Consultant-deadline 6 Nov 2018

Terms of Reference

National Humanitarian Consultant
National Humanitarian Consultant
Duty Station
Palu, with travel to Jakarta as required
Contract Type
Consultant (SSA)
Contract Supervisor
UN Women Indonesia Country Representative
12 November 2018 – 31 January 2019
Application Deadline
6 November 2018

GIZ Indonesia for the Climate Governance Project: Advisor on Climate Mitigation

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a German implementing organization which provides services worldwide in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development. GIZ has a record of more than 20 years of involvement in the area of climate policy in Indonesia.

Greenpeace Southeast Asia - seeks Organizational Planning & Executive Support Manager

The Organization Planning and Executive Support Manager is responsible for coordinating the planning and implementation of GPSEA’s multi-year strategies, as well as its annual organizational development plans, This position reports directly to the Executive Director, and will work closely with all relevant units within Greenpeace Southeast Asia and other Greenpeace entities (Greenpeace International and other NROs) in the development, formulation, monitoring, and tracking of GPSEA’s overall organizational strategy, its goals and objectives. 

GGGI Indonesia is looking for a Peatland Development Advisor

The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) is a treaty-based international, inter-governmental organization dedicated to support and promote strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth in developing countries and emerging economies. It is headquartered in Seoul and has operations in 28 countries. Indonesia is a founding member of GGGI. Since 2013, the Government of Indonesia (GoI), under the leadership of the Ministry for National Development Planning (BAPPENAS), has been working with GGGI to develop strategies and approaches for green growth. 

Internship (Magang) Opportunity at The Nature Conservancy Indonesia Program: GIS Interns

Founded in 1951, the Nature Conservancy (TNC) is a global conservation organization dedicated to conserving the lands and waters on which all life depends. Guided by science, we create innovative, on-the-ground solutions to our world's toughest challenges so that nature and people can thrive together. We are tackling climate change, conserving lands, waters and oceans at unprecedented scale, providing food and water sustainably and helping make cities more sustainable.  One of our core values is our commitment to diversity. Therefore, we strive for a globally diverse and culturally competent workforce. Working in 72 countries including all 50 United States, we use a collaborative approach that engages local communities, governments, the private sector, and other partners. To learn more, visit www.nature.orq or follow @nature_press on Twitter.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Field Assistant Vacancy in Cirebon and Purwokerto

Vacancy of Field Assistant
About RISE
Riset Inovasi Edukasi (RISE) Indonesia is a non-profit research and consulting organization for humanitarian and development sectors. We support financial inclusion among marginalized groups (farmers, women, youth and the poor) with quality research and training. RISE works with various development organizations: government, NGO, private corporations, universities, research institutes, microfinance institutions and community groups


Vacancy in Arbeiter Samariter Bund (ASB) - Livelihood Project Officer_West Sumatera based

Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) is one of Germany‘s oldest and largest social welfare organisations. ASB has over 200 offices in Germany and a membership of 1.1 million. Core activities include the provision of public medical and rescue services alongside an extensive range of social service provision. Overseas, ASB‘s Foreign Aid Department operates mainly in the fields of humanitarian relief, return and reintegration, development and disaster risk reduction (DRR). 

Lowongan Pekerjaan INTERNAL AUDIT



PERDHAKI (Persatuan Karya Dharma Kesehatan Indonesia) adalah asosiasi unit
pelayanan kesehatan nirlaba (not for profit) yang berlatar belakang agama
Katolik, yang tersebar diseluruh Indonesia.

Urgently Required: Field Facilitator Buleleng Bali

Urgently Required: Field Facilitator

Based in: Buleleng – Bali, indonesia
Reports to:  Project Coordinator
Expected commence date: Immediately

Opening at The Nature Conservancy: Mangrove Conservation Coordinator

Founded in 1951, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is a global conservation organization dedicated to conserving the lands and waters on which all life depends. Guided by science, we create innovative, on-the-ground solutions to our world's toughest challenges so that nature and people can thrive together. We are tackling climate change, conserving lands, waters and oceans at unprecedented scale, providing food and water sustainably and helping make cities more sustainable.  One of our core values is our commitment to diversity. Therefore, we strive for a globally diverse and culturally competent workforce. Working in 72 countries including all 50 United States, we use a collaborative approach that engages local communities, governments, the private sector, and other partners. To learn more, visit www.nature.orq or follow @nature_press on Twitter.

Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik seeks Senior Fundraising Analyst Officer - Jakarta

Save the Children in Indonesia is changing for the better. We've begun to build a national organization that aims to be a strong, local, and self-sustaining voice for children in Indonesia. To this end, SC Indonesia has been designated as a “Prospect Member”. As ‘Prospect Member’ Indonesia has been identified as part of the next way of new member development, which focuses on strengthening and localizing our voice for children in strategic middle income countries. Indonesia has been authorized by member ballot to start fundraising locally as a first step towards building a financially sustainable local organization.. Future work will also involve developing a strong local governance structure and building key partnerships with local government, the private sector, local civil society among others. Success of the pilot phase will set the Indonesia on a pathway to full membership. We are currently seeking to fill the following position:

Consultant for Member Capacity Assesment

One Vision Alliance (ASV) is a network of 20 non-governmental organizations which works in issues of Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) in 10 provinces of Indonesia. 

Inclusive Emergency Response Palu - Humanity & Inclusion

Inclusive Emergency Response Team - Palu

Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial aid organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, taking action and bearing witness in order to respond to their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. For more information on Humantiy & Inclusion please visit web site at and Humanity & Inclusion is the operating name of Handicap International Federation.

Hivos EOI : Consultant for Communication OPEN Contracting

Hivos is an international development organisation that seeks new solutions to persistent global issues. Founded in 1968 and inspired by humanist values, Hivos works in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East at a local, regional and global level, together with local civil society organisations in developing countries to contribute to a free, fair and sustainable world. Through smart projects in the right places, Hivos opposes discrimination, inequality, abuse of power and the unsustainable use of our planet’s resources. The Southeast Asia Hub is located in Jakarta, Indonesia, with offices in the Philippines, and Timor-Leste. Hivos Southeast Asia Hub currently works with approximately 69 partners, under two clusters, OPEN and GREEN, and is active in networking, lobbying and exchanging knowledge and expertise. For its Hivos Southeast Asia seeks qualified Indonesian candidates for the position of:

Lowongan di Wahid Foundation

Wahid Foundation, lembaga yang berusaha mewujudkan prinsip dan cita-cita intelektual Abdurrahman Wahid dalam membangun pemikiran Islam moderat yang mendorong terciptanya demokrasi, multikulturalisme dan toleransi di kalangan kaum muslim di Indonesia dan seluruh dunia.

Vacancy at Yayasan KNCV Indonesia : IT Specialist

Yayasan KNCV Indonesia is a newly established non-profit organisation that aims to be a strong local and self-sustaining organization dedicated to the fight against tuberculosis (TB) in Indonesia. Yayasan KNCV Indonesia promotes effective, efficient, innovative and sustainable tuberculosis control strategies in Indonesia.  We are an organization of passionate TB professionals, including doctors, researchers, training experts, and epidemiologists. We aim to stop the spread of the TB epidemic and to prevent the further spread of drug-resistant TB.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik seeks Senior Manager Humanitarian & Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) - Jakarta

Save the Children in Indonesia is changing for the better. We've begun to build a national organization that aims to be a strong, local, and self-sustaining voice for children in Indonesia. To this end, SC Indonesia has been designated as a “Prospect Member”. As ‘Prospect Member’ Indonesia has been identified as part of the next way of new member development, which focuses on strengthening and localizing our voice for children in strategic middle income countries. Indonesia has been authorized by member ballot to start fundraising locally as a first step towards building a financially sustainable local organization. Future work will also involve developing a strong local governance structure and building key partnerships with local government, the private sector, local civil society among others. Success of the pilot phase will set the Indonesia on a pathway to full membership. We are currently seeking to fill the following position:

Early Recovery Psychosocial Officer


From July 29 to August 19, 2019, the island of Lombok experienced a cluster of earthquakes and aftershocks, with five earthquakes measuring between M5 and M6.9. By the end of August, BNPB estimates more than 1,000 earthquakes and aftershocks had occurred and there have been are 560 casualties, 1,466 injured 396,032 IDPs and 83,392 damaged houses.  Mercy Corps is supporting seven (7) villages in East Lombok to cope with the impact of the earthquakes and to initiate their social, physical and economic recovery.

Oxfam Vacancy for Emergency Response Team, Based in Palu

Together we can end extreme poverty for good. Will you join us?

Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik seeks Advocacy Assistant - Child Health - Bandung / Kab. Bandung

Save the Children in Indonesia is changing for the better. We've begun to build a national organization that aims to be a strong, local, and self-sustaining voice for children in Indonesia. To this end, SC Indonesia has been designated as a “Prospect Member”. As ‘Prospect Member’ Indonesia has been identified as part of the next way of new member development, which focuses on strengthening and localizing our voice for children in strategic middle income countries. Indonesia has been authorized by member ballot to start fundraising locally as a first step towards building a financially sustainable local organization. Future work will also involve developing a strong local governance structure and building key partnerships with local government, the private sector, local civil society among others. Success of the pilot phase will set the Indonesia on a pathway to full membership. We are currently seeking to fill the following position:

Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik seeks Humanitarian Coordinator - Jakarta

Save the Children in Indonesia is changing for the better. We've begun to build a national organization that aims to be a strong, local, and self-sustaining voice for children in Indonesia. To this end, SC Indonesia has been designated as a “Prospect Member”. As ‘Prospect Member’ Indonesia has been identified as part of the next way of new member development, which focuses on strengthening and localizing our voice for children in strategic middle income countries. Indonesia has been authorized by member ballot to start fundraising locally as a first step towards building a financially sustainable local organization.. Future work will also involve developing a strong local governance structure and building key partnerships with local government, the private sector, local civil society among others. Success of the pilot phase will set the Indonesia on a pathway to full membership. We are currently seeking to fill the following position:

Vacancy as Procurement Officer - Based in Palu


A major earthquake on 28 September 2018 that triggered tsunami, liquefaction, and landslide in Sulawesi, Indonesia has caused at least 2,077 casualties, 4,438 people injured, and 205,870 people to be displaced (AHA Centre Situation Update No.14, 22 October 2018). The most affected area identified by the Government of Indonesia is Donggala, Palu City, Sigi, and Parigi Moutong. MCI is currently responding and developing strategy for early recovery to meet the immediate needs and to help recover the livelihood of the affected communities


Kabar baik untuk Sahabat Laut jika kamu fresh graduate dari jurusan Perikanan, Kelautan, Biologi dan sejenisnya. WWF-Indonesia sebagai pelaksana Proyek USAID Sustainable Ecosystems Advanced (USAID SEA) membutuhkan kandidat terbaik untuk mengisi posisi sebagai Enumerator Perikanan. Untuk melakukan pendataan harian perikanan demersal dan pelagis kecil, pengambilan data biologi ikan, pengambilan data armada kapal, registrasi kapal dan melakukan pendataaan pengelolaan perikanan dengan pendekatan ekosistem di wilayah Maluku (Teluk Sawai, Pulau Buano dan Koon).

Hivos EOI : Consultant for Creating Safe Space for Dialogue and Media Engagement

Hivos Southeast Asia is an International non-governmental organization guided by humanist values. It aims at structural poverty alleviation with a strong focus on civil society building and sustainable economic development. Hivos Southeast Asia provides financial support for local NGOs, is active in networking, lobbying and exchanging knowledge and expertise.. For its Hivos Southeast Asia seeks qualified Indonesian candidates for the position of:


Yayasan Inovasi Ketahanan Komunitas (INANTA) adalah Yayasan Sosial Kemanusiaan yang bekerja untuk mengembangkan ketangguhan dan upaya perubahan yang berkesinambungan pada kehidupan masyarakat khususnya yang mereka yang rentan. INANTA mengembangkan kegiatan program dan membaktikan sumberdaya lembaga untuk bersama-sama dengan masyarakat target yang paling rentan tanpa membedakan suku, agama, ras, golongan maupun jenis kelamin.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik seeks Media & Brand Manager - Jakarta

Save the Children in Indonesia is changing for the better. We've begun to build a national organization that aims to be a strong, local, and self-sustaining voice for children in Indonesia. To this end, SC Indonesia has been designated as a “Prospect Member”. As ‘Prospect Member’ Indonesia has been identified as part of the next way of new member development, which focuses on strengthening and localizing our voice for children in strategic middle income countries. Indonesia has been authorized by member ballot to start fundraising locally as a first step towards building a financially sustainable local organization. Future work will also involve developing a strong local governance structure and building key partnerships with local government, the private sector, local civil society among others. Success of the pilot phase will set the Indonesia on a pathway to full membership. We are currently seeking to fill the following position:

Vacancy for Sr Finance Officer, Palu - Central Sulawesi Based

To promote sustainable economic and social development through development programmes, helping the needy regardless of race, religion or gender.


About Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia
Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia (GNI), an affiliate of Good Neighbors International, an international humanitarian development NGO in General Consultative Status with the UN ECOSOC (United Nations Economic and Social Council). Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia provides child education, community development, health, sanitation, and disaster relief programs in 15 CDPs (Community Development Project) and serving 12,086 children. Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia has missions around the world to ensure the well-being of people in need.

Internal Auditor - Yayasan Spiritia

Spiritia Foundation adalah Lembaga non-Government bidang kesehatan di Jakarta Pusat yang berbadan hukum sejak tahun 1997. Visi Spiritia adalah hidup bermutu bagi orang yang terinfeksi dan terpengaruh HIV di Indonesia. Mitra Spriritia tersebar di 32 provinsi seluruh Indonesia. Donor utama Spiritia adalah Global Fund ATM.

Vacancy for Sr Finance Officer, Palu - Central Sulawesi Based

To promote sustainable economic and social development through development programmes, helping the needy regardless of race, religion or gender.

USAID-BIJAK Vacancy: Operations Officer

USAID BIJAK seeks applications for an Operations Officer with detail below:

Code                                   : BIJAK - OPS
Position title                     : Operations Officer
Expected Hiring Date      : A.S.A.P
Type of Contract              : Fixed-term (2 years as initial contract).
Report to                           : Operations Manager
Subordinate                      : Office Assistant

Vacancy for Protection & Inclusion Coordinator, Jakarta Based

To promote sustainable economic and social development through development programmes, helping the needy regardless of race, religion or gender.

RTI Vacancy - KSI Finance Manager

The Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI) is a joint initiative of the Government of Indonesia and Australia (through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - DFAT) designed as a unique and holistic approach to support Indonesia's stakeholders promote evidence based policy making. In the first phase of KSI, the focus was on building capacity, relationships, networks and systems as key knowledge sector assets for strengthening policy making in Indonesia.

Job Vacancy-Operations Manager at Artisanal Gold Council (AGC) Indonesia

Position Title:

Operations Manager
Primary Location:
Jakarta, with regular travel to Central Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, and other sites in Indonesia
Position Status:
6-month contract                                                
Current Employee:

Vacancy for Protection & Inclusion Coordinator, Jakarta Based

To promote sustainable economic and social development through development programmes, helping the needy regardless of race, religion or gender.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Yayasan Plan International Indonesia Job Vacancy : Public Health Specialist

Yayasan Plan International Indonesia is presently implementing its country strategic 4 (CS 4) covering fiscal year 2017 to 2022, where the country objective has been defined as “to identify and facilitate the removal of obstacles that prevent children from enjoying their rights and participating fully in Indonesian society”. The organisation’s purpose is to “strive for a just world that advances children’s rights and equality for girls”. This goal will be achieved by providing technical support and implementing quality programs and projects through partnership. An effective and efficient communications strategy is a must for Plan Indonesia to share the outcomes of these projects to influence different actors, specially state authorities and to position Plan’s profile within and outside at different levels – starting from community, sub district, district to national, regional and international levels.  

ICRC Job Vacancy: Facility/Premises Responsible (Indonesian)

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is an impartial, neutral and independent organization whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence and to provide them with assistance. The ICRC also endeavours to prevent suffering by promoting and strengthening humanitarian law and universal humanitarian principles. Established in 1863, the ICRC is at the origin of the Geneva Conventions and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Please visit for more information.

GIZ Indonesia for The Forests and Climate Change Program (FORCLIME): Personal Assistant to Principal Advisor

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is an international cooperation enterprise for sustainable development with worldwide operations on behalf of the German Government.

Advertisement CARE in Indonesia : Partnership Manager

CARE Indonesia is currently recruiting:
Partnership Manager
·         To work closely with national NGOs/civil society organisations on delivery of effective humanitarian assistance as well as technical capacity building and organisational development.

Advertisement CARE in Indonesia : IT Officer

CARE Indonesia is currently recruiting:
IT Officer
Support to the management of country-office-wide applications
·         Provide systems support to CARE’s Office365 systems as Admin at the headquarters and at sub-offices.
·         Provide systems support to CARE Indonesia’s web-based HR management, Gadjian,
·         Provide systems support to Asset Management Systems legacy application.
·         Provide systems support to CARE’s financial systems (currently SCALA) at the headquarters and at sub-offices.
·         Support the management of CARE Indonesia’s website and intranet.
·         Facilitate access to CARE Canada-managed Livelink.
·         Develop training materials and provide training to users of CARE’s standard applications and specific tools (e.g. MS-Access).
·         Establish backup and recovery strategies support for each of the country office wide applications.

FHI360 LINKAGES Project Vacancy: Technical Officer Community Based Services (Based in Wamena, Papua)


The LINKAGES Community-Based Services (CBS) Technical Officer will provide critical technical and management coordination oversight to the LINKAGES 90-90-90 CoPTC Technical Performance Team in Papua. The position will support 90-90-90 performance team to strengthen the Papua program to develop, trial and manage intervention models/strategies that improve HIV service system functioning across CoPTC. The Technical Officer will work closely with a variety of stakeholders at the provincial and district levels, and will collaborate with all LINKAGES technical and programmatic staff in Papua.

Vacancy : Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik Seeks Staffs for Palu Emergency Response

Save the Children in Indonesia is changing for the better. We've begun to build a national organization that aims to be a strong, local, and self-sustaining voice for children in Indonesia. To this end, SC Indonesia has been designated as a “Prospect Member”. As ‘Prospect Member’ Indonesia has been identified as part of the next way of new member development, which focuses on strengthening and localizing our voice for children in strategic middle income countries. Indonesia has been authorized by member ballot to start fundraising locally as a first step towards building a financially sustainable local organization. Future work will also involve developing a strong local governance structure and building key partnerships with local government, the private sector, local civil society among others. Success of the pilot phase will set the Indonesia on a pathway to full membership.


 Yayasan Fondasi Hidup (FH) Indonesia is an independent non-governmental organization based in Medan, North Sumatera  and operates in North Sumatera Province and the Mentawai Islands, West Sumatera Province.FH Indonesia started working in Indonesia after the December 2004 tsunami killed 283,000 people. FH Indonesia worked with devastated communities to help them rebuild their lives and homes.. In 2011, FH began a long-term development work and currently we are working to address all forms of human poverty, visible and invisible through livelihood, education, and health sectors. Our purpose is graduating communities from extreme poverty.

SNV Indonesia is looking for a: Fecal Sludge Management Specialist (National staff position)

SNV is a not-for-profit international development organisation. Founded in the Netherlands 50 years ago, we have built a long-term, local presence in 38 of the poorest countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Our global teams of local and international advisors work with local partners to equip communities, businesses and organisations with the tools, knowledge and connections they need to increase their incomes and gain access to basic s

CBM’s Indonesia Country Office in Jakarta is now accepting applications for a PROGRAMME MANAGER (1 Position available)

Location:               Jakarta, Indonesia (with frequent travels to provinces in Indonesia)

Contract Duration: Permanent

Contract Type:       Full Time

Contract Start:      As soon as possible

Reporting line:       Country Director


Job Title          : Program Officer
Location          : East Jakarta
Division           : Program
Date                : HIGH PRIORITY

Hivos EOI : Consultant for Junior Researcher for Mapping of Hoax and Young People

Hivos is an international development organisation that seeks new solutions to persistent global issues. Founded in 1968 and inspired by humanist values, Hivos works in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East at a local, regional and global level, together with local civil society organisations in developing countries to contribute to a free, fair and sustainable world. Through smart projects in the right places, Hivos opposes discrimination, inequality, abuse of power and the unsustainable use of our planet’s resources. The Southeast Asia Hub is located in Jakarta, Indonesia, with offices in the Philippines, and Timor-Leste. Hivos Southeast Asia Hub currently works with approximately 69 partners, under two clusters, OPEN and GREEN, and is active in networking, lobbying and exchanging knowledge and expertise. For its Hivos Southeast Asia seeks qualified Indonesian candidates for the position of:

Yayasan Sayangi Tunas Cilik seeks Child Safeguarding Specialist - Palu

Save the Children in Indonesia is changing for the better.. We've begun to build a national organization that aims to be a strong, local, and self-sustaining voice for children in Indonesia. To this end, SC Indonesia has been designated as a “Prospect Member”. As ‘Prospect Member’ Indonesia has been identified as part of the next way of new member development, which focuses on strengthening and localizing our voice for children in strategic middle income countries. Indonesia has been authorized by member ballot to start fundraising locally as a first step towards building a financially sustainable local organization. Future work will also involve developing a strong local governance structure and building key partnerships with local government, the private sector, local civil society among others. Success of the pilot phase will set the Indonesia on a pathway to full membership. We are currently seeking to fill the following position:

Vacancy : Project Officer - ChildFund Indonesia


ChildFund is an international child focused development agency working in 33 countries to create lasting and meaningful change in the lives of more than 10.5 million vulnerable, deprived and excluded children, families and communities, regardless of race, creed, gender or national origin. In Indonesia ChildFund has been operating for 34 years since 1973, in areas where the need is the greatest and currently reaches out to 900,000 children and family members in partnership with 50 local NGOs spread across 8 provinces. For more information please visit

Dokter Hewan untuk Badak Sumatera - Kutai Barat

If you care about the environment and want to contribute to conservation efforts in Indonesia, this is the opportunity for you to join the largest national conservation organization in Indonesia. WWF-Indonesia, an independent national conservation organization, is part of a global network of WWF. WWF-ID is currently seeking for the best candidate for the position of Veterinarian for Sumatran Rhino. This position will be based in West Kutai and report to Conservation and Sustainability Coordinator – Landscape Mahakam

Lowongan di ASB untuk Tim Tanggap Bencana di Sulawesi Tengah

Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) adalah organisasi asal Jerman yang bergerak di bidang bantuan dan dukungan sosial. ASB merupakan mitra dalam pembangunan dan penyediaan layanan sosial di Jerman dan banyak negara lainnya. ASB mulai bekerja di Indonesia sejak 2006 untuk merespon bencana gempa bumi di Yogyakarta. Hingga saat ini, ASB di Indonesia bekerja untuk berkontribusi terhadap pembangunan ketangguhan masyarakat melalui integrasi inklusi sosial, manajemen risiko, dan pengembangan sosial ekonomi (

Yayasan Plan International Indonesia Job Vacancy : Safety and Security Officer

Yayasan Plan International Indonesia is presently implementing its country strategic 4 (CS 4) covering fiscal year 2017 to 2022, where the country objective has been defined as “to identify and facilitate the removal of obstacles that prevent children from enjoying their rights and participating fully in Indonesian society”. The organisation’s purpose is to “strive for a just world that advances children’s rights and equality for girls”. This goal will be achieved by providing technical support and implementing quality programs and projects through partnership. An effective and efficient communications strategy is a must for Plan Indonesia to share the outcomes of these projects to influence different actors, specially state authorities and to position Plan’s profile within and outside at different levels – starting from community, sub district, district to national, regional and international levels.  

Yayasan Plan International Indonesia Job Vancancy : Engineer

Yayasan Plan International Indonesia is presently implementing its country strategic 4 (CS 4) covering fiscal year 2017 to 2022, where the country objective has been defined as “to identify and facilitate the removal of obstacles that prevent children from enjoying their rights and participating fully in Indonesian society”. The organisation’s purpose is to “strive for a just world that advances children’s rights and equality for girls”. This goal will be achieved by providing technical support and implementing quality programs and projects through partnership. An effective and efficient communications strategy is a must for Plan Indonesia to share the outcomes of these projects to influence different actors, specially state authorities and to position Plan’s profile within and outside at different levels – starting from community, sub district, district to national, regional and international levels.  

Media Organizing for Road to Citi Microentrepreneurship Awards 2018-2019 - Surabaya


Media Organizing for
Road to Citi Microentrepreneurship Awards 2018-2019
In Surabaya


Yayasan Cipta Cara Padu (YCCP/CIPTA)  established in 2008. Our expertise and hands-on experience are in a wide spectrum of health and environmental issues including water, sanitation and hygiene, HIV & AIDS, safe motherhood, child survival, family planning (FP), reproductive health (RH), infectious disease, and environmental conservation. For more detail information regarding Cipta's activities and achievements please visit our website at : 

Vacancy Announcement "Human Resources Assistant"

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has a distinguished history of scientists exploring and saving wildlife in some of the most remote and wild places remaining on Earth. WCS has long recognized that successful conservation requires a long-term commitment to individuals and places. Such a commitment has defined the culture and style of the Global Conservation Program, including the Indonesia Program.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

USAID MESP Vacancy: Disability Specialist for Scalling Assessment USAID Program Mitra Kunci - Ayo Inklusif

Disability Specialist
Scaling Assessment USAID Program Mitra Kunci-Increasing Awareness of the Economic Role of Youth with Disabilities (Ayo Inklusif)
Scope of Work

KIAT: GESI CSE Strategic Adviser to the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (Indo)

"You will work closely with the Gender Secretariat within the Ministry of Public Works and Housing to support the development of key documents"

The role
Join the Australia Indonesia Infrastructure Partnership (Kemitraan Indonesia Australia untuk Infrastruktur - KIAT) in Jakarta to play an integral role in supporting the overall objectives of the GESI CSE Unit and KIAT Facility. The role is a senior level GESI CSE Strategic Adviser for the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (MPWH).

Vacancy for ER Team in Caritas Germany-Indonesia

Caritas Germany is the International Department of the German Caritas Association (DCV, Deutscher Caritas Verband) a Catholic relief agency that commits itself worldwide to emergency aid and reconstruction and develops social services in many countries of the world.  Together with a network of 160 national Caritas associations Caritas Germany is an international humanitarian aid organization that provides relief and assistance to those in need independent of religion, ethnicity and political worldview.  The DCV was founded in 1897 by German Bishops’ Conference and now it employs more than 500.000 people countrywide and is widely acknowledges as the leading organization in professional social work and related issues. 

Humanity & Inclusion - Liaison Officer Jakarta/Palu

Terms of Reference for Liaison Officer


Humanity & Inclusion (HI) is an independent and impartial aid organisation working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. We work alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, taking action and bearing witness in order to respond to their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights. For more information on Humantiy & Inclusion please visit web site at and Humanity & Inclusion is the operating name of Handicap International Federation.Earthquake with magnitude 6.0 hit Palu district, Sulawesi Tengah province on Friday, 28 September 2018 at 13.59 WITA (Central Indonesian Time) followed by another quake with magnitude 7.4 M at 17.02. the earthquakes followed by tsunami in Talise beach of Palu city and Donggala district with the height between 0.5 – 3 m. The earthquakes and tsunami caused 1,649 casualties, 2,550 injured and 62,400 displacements.

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer - Kemitraan

Summary of Key Functions:
•             Development of monitoring and evaluation plan
•             Development of monitoring and evaluation tools
•             Monitoring and Evaluation Implementation
•             Preparation of reports

Yayasan Plan International Indonesia Job Vacancy : Cash Transfer Programme (CTP) in Emergencies Specialist

Yayasan Plan International Indonesia is presently implementing its country strategic 4 (CS 4) covering fiscal year 2017 to 2022, where the country objective has been defined as “to identify and facilitate the removal of obstacles that prevent children from enjoying their rights and participating fully in Indonesian society”. The organisation’s purpose is to “strive for a just world that advances children’s rights and equality for girls”. This goal will be achieved by providing technical support and implementing quality programs and projects through partnership. An effective and efficient communications strategy is a must for Plan Indonesia to share the outcomes of these projects to influence different actors, specially state authorities and to position Plan’s profile within and outside at different levels – starting from community, sub district, district to national, regional and international levels.  

UN Women-National Consultant GRPB for Village Level


National Consultant for Villages Level to finalize the National Strategy on Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting, focusing on integrating relevant Ministries of Home Affairs Policies and Ministry of Village Polices regarding gender and budgeting.

1 November 2018 – 30 March 2019
Home based and regular meeting with BAPPENAS and other related stakeholders in Jakarta.
Under supervision of the National Programme Officer on Governance
Language required:
Indonesian and English

UN Women-National Consultant on GRB


National Consultant for Ministries and Provincial to finalize the National Strategy on Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting, focusing on integrating Ministries and/or State Institutions and Provincial level relevant policies on GRB

1 November 2018 – 30 March 2019
Home based and regular meeting with BAPPENAS and other related stakeholders in Jakarta.
Under supervision of the National Programme Officer on Governance
Language required:
Indonesian and English

WFD Indonesia vacancy - Programme Coordinator

Based in Jakarta, Indonesia
Full Time – Fixed term contract for services 
Nov 2018 – Mar 2019 (with possible extension)
Competitive local salary

Monday, October 22, 2018

Vacancy for Finance Officer, Jakarta Based - (RE- ADVERTISED)

To promote sustainable economic and social development through development programmes, helping the needy regardless of race, religion or gender.

ADRA Indonesia: Program Manager in Central Sulawesi

Title:                                        Program Manager
Duty Station:                           Central Sulawesi and Jakarta
Responsible to:                        Program Director
Duration:                                 6 months, with possibility for extension
Deadline of submission:           Wednesday, October 30, 2018  

Vacant position: RISE - In Country Management Position

Post Title: In-Country Manager
Program: Revitalising Informal Settlements and their Environments (RISE)
Reporting to: (1st) RISE Program Manager (2nd) Program Director
Strong working relations to: RISE Executives; Objective Leaders; ADB
Duty Station: Makassar, Indonesia
Duration: 6 months, extendable based on performance
Number of posts: 1 post

Greenpeace Southeast Asia seeks Senior HR Specialist

Job Summary:

In this role, you will assist the HR Director in developing strategic HR programs in multiple areas such as: talent acquisition, data analytics, employees experience and other assigned project (s) covering Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. The position will call for professional support to ensure team effectiveness and process management.

Request For Proposal Request For Proposals (RFP) : No. REQ-JAK-18-0075 : “Service Provider to Support FORKALIM Website”

DAI, implementer of the USAID funded Indonesia Urban Water, Sanitation and Hygiene  Penyehatan Lingkungan Untuk Semua (IUWASH PLUS) Project, invites qualified bidders to submit proposals/bids for : "Service Provider to Support FORKALIM Website"